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Pulstamper™ PFA Catheter

APT Medical introducer sheath: Braidin™ Hemostasis Introducer
APT Medical SinusFlex™ Steerable Decapolar Mapping Catheter


PFA Catheter

It is available for FAM (Fast Anatomical Mapping), multi-electrode mapping, and ablation, combined with the HT Viewer® 3D mapping system and PFA generator.


Multi-electrode discharge for efficient procedure

- High-efficient PVI tool with multi-electrode discharge to achieve contiguous transmural lesion.

Tissue Contact Indication for Safety and Efficacy

- Three ablation modes are available for contact status: all, contact only and manual.

- Patented tissue contact indication to guide ablation and create durable lesions.

- Reduced ineffective discharges in the blood pool for safety.

Various specifications for different procedural needs

- One certificate for two shapes, single/double fixed-loop PFA ablation catheters with contact indication.

- Available in multiple sizes and specifications for a range of anatomies.

Product Codes

REF Electrode Number Pipe diameter (mm) Length (mm) Width of electrodes (mm) Outer diameter (mm) Loop electrode spacing (mm) Loop diameter (mm)
501105 7 2.33 (7F) 1200 2 1.67 (5F) 4 15
501107 8 2.33 (7F) 1200 2 1.67 (5F) 4 15
501109 9 2.33 (7F) 1200 2 1.67 (5F) 4 20
501112 10 2.33 (7F) 1200 2 1.67 (5F) 4 20
501116 12 2.33 (7F) 1200 2 1.67 (5F) 4 25
501201 14 2.33 (7F) 1200 2 1.67 (5F) 4 10-20
501204 18 2.33 (7F) 1200 2 1.67 (5F) 4 15-25
501206 22 2.33 (7F) 1200 2 1.67 (5F) 4 20-30
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