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The Role of Interventional Radiology in Chemotherapy

  • Online
  • Friday, April 30th, 2021

Watch this video presented by dr. Hilman, dr. Eppy Buchori Aristiady, dr. Achmad Fachri, and dr. Samuel Tandionugroho to learn the clinical cases of the role of interventional radiology in Chemotherapy.


Speaker Theme
Moderator dr. Hilman Welcoming
Introduction Company Profile of Giri Sakti Utama and APT Product
dr. Eppy Buchori Aristiady Sp.Rad(K)RI Case Sharing: Transradial Access Chemoembolization for epatocellural Carsinoma
dr. Achmad Fachri Sp.Rad (K)Rl Case Sharing: TACI (Trans Arterial Chemo Infusion) / TACE (Trans Arterial Chemo Embolization)/ TAE (Trans Arterial Embolization) in Darmais Cancer Center Hospital
dr. Samuel Tandionugroho MM, Sp. Rad (K)RI Case Sharing: TACE (Trans Arterial Chemo Embolization) for Tumor & non Tumor

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